Lastly try to remember what you or the last player cashed out on the machine(s). You don’t need to walk in there every 10 minutes. Again, this area gets less traffic & play. The machine isn’t going to sprout legs and run away from you. Don’t be too obvious by storming the room & making a beeline to the advantage machine(s) every time you enter.
I’ll wrap this up by offering some tips to help you navigate the high limit area as a slot hustler. If they have advantage machines, that’s where the big money is.
I’m not trying to discourage you from ever going into the high limit. It’s because of this that some slot hustlers I know rarely go into the high limit or only go when they can clearly see that there is a play when peeking in from the outside. But I now knew that this casino’s high limit area was a no go zone for me. It makes your heart skip a beat for a moment but I was able to talk my way out of trouble without incident. I’ve been told by a few hustlers & have personally experienced being backed off of a machine while checking in the high limit. The bottom line is that by constantly looking for bigger plays in the high limit, you acknowledge that you’re putting yourself at risk of getting thrown out.
The Cosmopolitan’s High Limit currently has the goods if you’re an advantage slot player